Wednesday, November 09, 2005



What to say Lord?
It's you who gave me life and I
can't explain just how
much you mean to me now
that you have saved me Lord
I give all I am to you
that everyday I can
be a light that shines your name

Everyday Lord I'll
learn to stand upon your word
and I pray that I
might come to know you more
that you would guide me
in every single step I take
that everyday I can
be your light unto the world

Everyday. It's you I live for
Everyday. I'll follow after you
Everyday. I'll walk with you, my Lord

It's you I live for, everyday
It's you I live for, everyday
It's you I live for, everyday

This song, was introduced to me at Youth councils 2005. Make your mark. During that time I learned so much, and I grew so much closer with God.
The meaning of this song is so important. Everyday, we should live for God. Everyday we should be an example of Christ. Everyday we should praise God, give him the glory and honor. Everyday. Not just once a week at church, not two days a week, not five days a week. Everyday.
Me being a person who had so many different attitudes. At church I'd be one person, at school I'd be another person, and at home I'd be another person. I did this for the longest time, untill I truly knew what it was to be a christian, and what it is to live for God.
Do we sleep once a week? Do we eat once a week? Obviously, the answer is no. So what's the reason that some of us choose to only act Godly, lets say once a week. It because most of us actually don't realize it. We are so caught up in our own little world that we don't see what's around us. God calls us to witness his love and act as Christ would EVERYDAY! This is so important. If we expect to have change in the world and fufill God's perpose for us, we need to daily do as God would. It's not easy, but that's where prayer comes in.
God, I pray that you can help me live everyday for you, briging you the Glory and honor. Everyday.


Christine said...


Anonymous said...

AWSOME! keep up the good fight little sis! Luv ya tons! don't forget that!