Friday, November 11, 2005

Timeless plans

You could say I had a pretty crazy week. It all stated on monday.
Monday- Go to school, start feeling sick.... come home after school not in the best mood to find out my mom was diagnosed with Cancer... A pretty crappy way to start of the week.
Tuesday- I go to the Planetarium with all the grade 9's in the school. It's sopose to be fun. I didn't want to go, so i take my sister Angel along. ( THANKS JESUS....) Anyway, When we are back at the school, Angel and I are waiting for my friend that usually takes the bus with me after school. Her stuff is in my other friends locker.... Her other friend hasn't come back from the planetarium yet.... uh oh!! If we don't leave soon we will miss the bus and we will have to wait half hour for the next bus...... so I'm at her friend's locker...and I'm just like.... " God please give me the # so we can get out of here and catch the bus".... and oddly enough God gives me the #, and i open the locker!!! I almost faited from shock. My friend grabes her stuff and we leave. I tell both my sister and my friend to start running, and we catch the bus!! Yeah.. that was cool.
Thursday- I leave early mornings for choir , and I was waiting at 6th and 10th street waiting for the bus. a few minutes after i get to the stop, a girl is crossing the street, and all of a sudden a car comes and she gets hit!!!! In shock, I see her get up, and start walking to the bus stop.... me not knowing what to do... I ask if she is okay. She says she is, but she seemed to have hurt her wrist. Another guy comes and talks to her and gives him her his Information, and the dude askes if I have a peice of paper. I do, so i give it to him with my name and # on it, because I saw everything that happened as well as the guy. Doing this fast cause my bus was coming, so I couldn't stay with the girl.
All that ran through my head was I wittnessed a hit and run... I was just so shocked.
As I got off the bus, I'm just like... "I wonder how God is gona use all of this to shape me like Christ and be a wittness to the world."
What I learned from this is that, God tends to catch us off gaurd. He tests us, so we can learn to be aware of things. Not only what he has to say, but, stuff the devil throws at us.... Consider this another lesson learned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yuppers! stay alert!