Saturday, November 05, 2005

Math is tremendously Fun!!

"I hate math"

This was my statement a few days ago. I was really struggling with math and was very stressed about it and worried i would fail math 9.

I kept praying to God, that he would help me find a way out of all this worry and stress and he did.

It all started on Tuesday morning. Karyn, Angel, my mom and I went for breakfast early (very very early!! -.- zzzzzzzzzzzzz) in the morning. That's when we got on the subject of school, after me repeating about 17 times how i didn't want to go to school following breakfast. During that conversation I mentioned how i hated math and that i was struggling with it. That's when Karyn brought up that she offered to help any of the youth who was struggling with math at school.

Later on, during lunch, i emailed Karyn and told her I'd take her offer for the math tutoring thing. We both agreed to meet Thursday and she would help me.

Later on Tuesday night Angel told me not to worry about my math anymore, because God had answered my prayers and everything would be fine. So i just totally didn't worry about it at all.

On Thursday, Karyn and I got together and she helped me with my math, and i totally got everything!

By trusting in God and praying God helped me out of a bad situation!

God is so faithful!

And truth be told...



Karyn Baker said...

I'm so glad to see that brainwashing works.....Math IS tremendously fun. How come that brainwashing never worked on my Math students when I was a teacher? (Maybe because I gave them tests and homework....)


Inquistive sentiment said...

I think that you should give her tests karyn!!! LOL
PS.....Math is not FUN!!!!

Christine said...

i agree with Angel on all accounts!

Karyn Baker said...

OK, MJ - what is ....

2n - 5 = -19

Solve for n.

It's worth 3 points - show your work. :P
Fun fun fun!!!

Ginger Ale said...

I'll give it to you on paper next time I see you!!

Christine said...

me too, im gona see if i can still do math 9 aha

Christine said...

yay Bakes gave me a star cuz i figured it out !! * :)

Ashley said...

I figured it out too!

MJ, I definetly agree with you. Math is tremendously fun.:) Wow, another person who thinks as I do, I never thought I would see the day.