Tuesday, October 04, 2005

God speaks through people

Last night me and Angel ( my sister, for those who don't know) were chatting as we were walking home, from the mall that is close from our house. I was telling Angel that I felt alone and how I was struggling to get close with God. And as Angel's reply, she said how she went through the same thing, and she told me a whole bunch of stuff. There was one thing that stuck out the most. It was when she told me, I am in a pit, and God is reaching out his hand, offering it to me, but, I keep reaching for the rock that is too high. That's when I'm just like okay Angel, that was soooo not you. It was a cool experinence, and I'm sure not my last.
Thanks God for speaking through Angel and showing me something I needed to hear. Amen.

1 comment:

Christine said...

thats sweet