Friday, September 30, 2005


Let's take for example...... you are at let's say a sleepover, and you start to feel homesick.... What are you gona do? The chances are you probably go home, walking, driving, whatever. Right?
Anyway, "mercy me" as some of you might know, wrote a song called homesick. And in the song they mention.... "if home's where the heart is, then I'm out of place" so I'm guessing "home" would mean heavan... does that make sense? As christians we desire to go to heavan, so in a way were, as you call it, homesick. In our lives we must obey God's commands, desire to do good, serve others, and overcome tests. So , those things would be considered walking, taking small steps home. Are you homesick? If you answer yes, lets always fix our eyes on jesus and get home.


Inquistive sentiment said...

I can't wait to go home!

Christine said...

im homesick

Karyn Baker said...

Great blog, MJ - and good call. Yup, home is heaven - eternally with God. The Purpose Driven Life book says that the Bible calls our earthly bodies "tents" but our heavenly bodies "houses" - that speaks of it all being more permanent, but this is temporary. Very cool. I can't wait either.