Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Focus on God

Yesterday, at refuge we were watching the second video for the 40 days of purpose, and something stuck out to me. It was when it said that if we make God our #1 focus and the thing we worship, it will take stress away from you. In the last few weeks, I've been stressed out because of school, struggling in math, lots of homework assignments and so on, and I thought if I keep focused on God, all this stress will go away. And so through the day I went, thinking more about God, then I usually do. As a result, in one day, I was free from three weeks of stress. I had sorted pretty much everthing that needed to be sorted out. In one day, I was able to do this, and imagine, if all my days are focused on God and my whole life is devoted to him, what kind of things are coming in the future?
All Glory to God!


Christine said...

thats an awesome revelation MJ!!

Karyn Baker said...

What a great blog, MJ. I like what you write - you tell us of your experiences and that encourages us in ours. Thanks! Keep up the good work!