Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Win the world for God

Yesterday, Mia, Angel and I were hanging out. When we were at the bus stop, I commented how everyone was on strike. Then it came up that we should go on strike, but for what, was the question. We then said we should go on strike for Jesus. Soon after, we crossed the street, and oddly enough, there were two people who had signs saying "Jesus loves you," and so on. We went up to them and told them that we just had a discussion about going on strike for Jesus and how afterward we saw them. It was actually pretty funny. As we walked into the mall we said we should seriously do what those two people were doing, but we laughed it off, acctually not really serious. Later that night, I was watching Law and Order with Angel, and had a case that there were two people who had an uncurable Aids virus, and a man killed them both in oder to save many more people and they were discussing this case. And later I saw the news telling about how the avain flu had spread and stuff like that. And then I remembered what was said at youth councils, "Let's win the world for Jesus." If you think of all the time that we spend watching TV, playing games on our computer, and so on. How muh more can we be doing to win the world for Jesus?Imagine, If every minute we waste watching our TV or whatever, how many more lives could we be winning for God? I'm pumped, Lets Make our mark and save the world for Jesus!!


Ginger Ale said...

Hey great blog that is so cool what happened
We need to make our mark for Jesus
I can't wait
Love ya April

Karyn Baker said...

I like the passion, MJ - now it's time to ask God what he wants the next step to be for you in winning the world for Jesus. And let us know!