Friday, April 20, 2007


Today I am pondering God's reasoning for things... sometimes I just sit and wonder why things happen and why the things I dream of aren't coming true, even though I pray with all my heart. Aware that these things must fall under God's will for my life, sometimes, things seem dull and dreary as they are not anything I want. Only time will tell, and in the end I will see these things work out to God's plan.. but it's so hard when you don't see the end product or have no idea what will happen next or what tomorrow will bring. The comfort of knowing what will happen sometimes feels as if it has been robed from us, and makes us feel very down and discouraged, making it hard to "trust" in God. However trust comes in not know the future, and deciding that regardless of what the future holds, we are in God's hands.
Just some thoughts, would love to hear what everyone thinks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps you should try dealing with life without a crutch...