Friday, October 28, 2005

By my side

A little while ago, I was feeling distant with God and was very confused. After writing my previous Blog, I was thinking of how Jesus was right beside me, and I relized that not only was God fiercly watching over me, he is right by my side. When I went back to school I was able to do things with more confidence knowing that God was right beside me helping me through everything. As I was in gym class I pictured him running right beside me, and I had a whole conversation with him, and afterwards before I knew it I had ran more than I ever had before without stopping. Which makes me think back to , If you focus your mind on Jesus your able to do things better, and more confidently. Like how in one day, by focusing on God I was able to relieve so much stress. So, let us not forget that God is right by our side, all we have to do is look to him and spark up a conversation.


Christine said...

AMEN preach it sister!!! :D Love you!

Karyn Baker said...

As always very insightful, MJ!

Anonymous said...

What a great blog so encouraging. God has funny ways to show up in our lifes.