Saturday, September 29, 2007

God is...

God is so many things, faithful, love, good, self-existing. Those are only a few of the many things.
I was really hit by something that was said in a sermon last sunday. That God is self-existing. He doesn't need us, he doesn't need anything. He has been, is now, and forever will be. It is so hard to wrap your head around, and it gets me into a deep mind maze thinking how it could work.
Sometimes we often by play our sins thinking that since the price is paid, (which it is) and that it doesn't really affect the pain that Jesus went through. But the reality is that God holds the time line, and even to this day it still pains him when we sin. It can really impact your decion to sin, when you are on the line of sining and not sining. Also, it is so amazing to think that God really loves us enough to continually forgive us over and over agian.
God is still the same God he was thousands or even millions of years ago. He still is the creator, he still is that powerful God that made walls fall, and armies surrender to God's children. He never learns anything; He knows everything about us, and everything we will be or do in the future and he still holds out his hand to us.

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