Saturday, October 22, 2005

Life changing

Wow, yesterday was a day I'll never forget. I'm so overwhelmed after such a great experience. For the first time, I really heard God speak to me. He reaveledto me what I am to do with my life right now. It all started when I woke up after a weird dream. Since I recently discovered that one of my spiritual gifts is interperting dreams, as soon as I woke up I knew what my dream ment. It ment that there would be change, and the way I was feeling and my perspective would change for the better. I thought that was pretty cool, but I was unaware of how soon it would happen. After hanging out all day with April, we headed to Cariboo Hill church, to go to the youth group there. At first we just hung out, but later we were split into three groups to do activities. There was also the option to go to the prayer room, so me and April decided to go the prayer room to have some time with God. During part of that time, I wrote a poem, and it was my prayer to God.....

Help me find you Lord,
help me see your face,
I know you are there,
and I know of your grace.

I want to hear you Lord,
and what you want to say,
I want to feel you there,
and say, come what may.

I want to be filled with joy,
in all that I do,
go out in the world,
and do everything for you.

I cry at night,
longing to be freed,
from all the weight on my sholders,
and replace it with good deeds.

As emtiness surrounds me,
and the darkness caves in,
the light in the darkness,
seems so very dim.

I know you are there,
I've experienced your grace,
help me find you Lord,
help me see your face.

And God answered this prayer.....
Later before it was time to go, I just closed my eyes and asked God to reveal to me, what my passion will be in Winning the world for God. He told me I needed to get the word out. I need to help people who need love, feel they are mistakes, or feel they have no perpose. The experience
I went through, I am to use to win the world for God by helping others. Also, me and a few other youth are planning to Start up a worship band, and this is one of the ways we will get through to people about the good news of Jesus Christ!
Later on, last night as we led into musical worship, and for the first time in awhile, I was able to really mean the words that I sang. As I wrote in a previous Blog, that I was in a pit and I kept reaching for the rock that is too high, well now I've got a hold on God's hand, and slowly he is pulling me out.
Although I still have things on my mind, and problems to work out, my whole perspective changed . I'm not gona let the enemy stand in the way of God's great plans for me! I want to hear from God, "you good and faithful servant."


Inquistive sentiment said...

Go for it girl!

Anonymous said...

Do what God is telling you to do. You will feel happy when God is speaking to you

Karyn Baker said...

MJ - how would you feel about sharing this poem on Sunday morning in church?

Ginger Ale said...

I think I'd be too scared to share it.... I'm better with just typing it out and stuff.... if someone else shared it I wouldn't mind.... I'm a chicken....